Securing Your Surface - A Guide To Preparing For Concrete Repair

While many people are under the opinion that a poured concrete lot will last forever, the truth is that it will require maintenance from time to time. If you have a concrete pad that you make use of for your business or if you have a driveway at home that is supposed to protect your vehicles, it's important that you take the necessary steps to keep it in top shape.

Below, you'll find a guide to the steps you should take to prepare your concrete surface for patching and repairs. By following these suggestions, you can be sure that your repair will be successful and your concrete surface will serve your needs for many years to come:


When you introduce a patch to a concrete surface, it's important that the patch can fully bond. As such, any potential contaminants such as dirt, oil, and grease can ruin that bond and can lead your patch to crumble before you might want it to.

You should seek out a concrete cleaning formula that is designed to thoroughly scrub the surface without chemically altering it. This will allow the concrete patch to fully bond while simultaneously providing a seamless look that will make your surface appear as though it was never repaired at all.

Removing Weak Spots

It can be tempting to merely patch existing holes and chips, but doing so could risk being back in the same position much more quickly than you expected. Rather than relying on what you can see, it's important that you test all aspects of the concrete surface for strength and stability.

If you detect additional weak spots, it's generally a wise decision to break them up and remove them to allow a full repair to be done at once. This will allow you to have a surface that's consistent and has a reliable repair, guaranteeing its strength and stability.

Roughening The Surface

Many people may be attracted to a concrete surface that is entirely smooth, but those surfaces tend to be less functional than their rougher cousins. Smooth surfaces tend to show cracks more easily and are more susceptible to damage from weather and usage. Rough surfaces will provide more traction for vehicles and equipment, and can also be easier to traverse in inclement weather. Rough concrete also tends to be longer lasting, allowing you to push back your patching and maintenance dates in the future.

To learn more, contact a company like Williamson Equipment with any questions you have.
